
O busy parents! Let's talk about something that has probably been on your mind lately: kids and technology. In today's digital age, screens and devices are hard to avoid and even harder to understand the role they must play in a child's life.

We all want the best for our children, and finding the right balance between screen time and other activities can feel like a never-ending challenge. You may have heard conflicting advice and opinions on this topic, which may have left you frustrated and unsure of what to do.
Well, don't panic! In this article, we explore the world of children and technology to learn how to create a wellness program, find other ways to experience and socialize, and find the right balance for your family. So, grab a coffee, take a deep breath and let's solve this problem together!

Digital devices are becoming more and more involved in children's lives

Digital devices are becoming a common sight in many families, and children are no exception. In today's digital age, it's not uncommon for kids to play with a smartphone or tablet.
According to recent statistics, 98% of households with children under the age of 8 have some type of mobile device. The increasing presence of digital devices in children's lives has raised concerns about their potential impact on their cognitive and social development. While technology can provide educational and recreational opportunities for children, it's important to find a balance to ensure their overall well-being.


Baby Sunflower Toddlers and Technology Finding the Right Balance

Establishing a health program for children

Establishing a health program for children is important in terms of ensuring their health quality and development. While technology can educate and entertain children, too much screen time can negatively affect their physical, cognitive and social well-being.
To create an appropriate screening program, consider these guidelines:

1. Appropriate Age Guidelines: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children younger than 18 months avoid all screen time except video chat. For children aged 18 to 24 months, limit the use of good news to one hour a day with parental involvement.

2. Playtime: Create a daily schedule that includes outdoor activities, reading, creative play, and interaction with parents or caregivers.
Choose a specific amount of screen time and be sure to balance them with other activities.

3. Quality over quantity: Prioritize quality learning content that supports learning and growth. Find age-appropriate apps, games, and videos that encourage problem solving, creativity, and relationships.

4.Parent Involvement: Share viewing and sharing experiences with your child while using digital devices. This not only enhances learning, but also strengthens the parent-child relationship.

5. Set clear limits: Set consistent rules for when and for how long your children can use the device. Use visual cues like timers or alarm clocks to help them understand the time limit.

6. Be a role model: Practice good behavior by limiting your own screen time with your children. Instead, spend family time talking, reading, or playing sports.

Remember that every child is unique and may have different needs when it comes to time constraints. It is important to monitor their behavior.


Other activities for cognitive development: Puzzles, blocks and books

There are many ways digital devices interact with young minds when it comes to supporting intellectual development in children.
For example, competition is a great way for children to develop problem solving and spatial awareness. Whether it's a simple jigsaw puzzle or a complex jigsaw, these activities challenge their intellectual abilities while providing a sense of accomplishment when the job is done.

building block is another great option to increase skills. Building a tower or structure with blocks can help kids develop their hand-eye coordination while stimulating their creativity and imagination. It also teaches them important concepts such as balance, cause and effect, and basic body mechanics.
Along with puzzles and building blocks, books also play an important role in supporting children's cognitive development. Reading aloud to them not only improves their language skills but also encourages them to think and wonder about the world around them. It introduces them to new words, different stories and helps them develop their thinking and listening skills.

Parents can achieve a healthy balance between technology and other educational experiences by integrating these activities into their children's daily routines. Remember that screen time should not replace the benefits of playing games, reading together, or participating in interactive games that encourage physical and social interaction.
Other Community Development Projects: Parks, Recreation and Parks

Digital tools should not be the only option when it comes to promoting social development, they are good for children. In fact, there are many activities that can provide good opportunities to chat and socialize. Encouraging play with other children is a great way to develop relationships because it allows children to learn to take turns, share and collaborate with peers. Also, taking your kids to the playground gives them the chance to play freely and interact with other kids in a natural setting. Playgroups, whether held in a community setting or with other nearby parents, can provide a social setting for children to join groups and develop important social skills.
By incorporating these other activities into your child's routine, you can provide healthy screen time and opportunities for learning and development.

Finding the Right Balance: Using Technology Among Other Activities

Finding the right balance between digital devices and other activities that are important to children's development. While technology can provide educational and recreational benefits for children, it should not replace other important activities that support cognitive and social development. Here are some tips on how to incorporate digital devices into your child's daily routine while focusing on other activities:

### Set Screen Time Healthy Time Limits

It's important to set clear boundaries around screen time. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children ages 2 to 5 limit screen time to one hour a day.
This can create a healthy balance between technology and other activities such as outdoor activities, reading, and recreational activities.

### Choose the Right Educational Content

When choosing digital content for kids, choose age-appropriate apps and programs. Find apps that encourage problem solving, creativity, and social interaction. Avoid ad-heavy or malicious apps.

### Participate in Co-Watching and Co-Play

Make screen time a collaborative activity with Co-Watching and Co-Play.
Sit with your child and discuss what he or she is watching or playing, asking open-ended questions and encouraging discussion. This not only improves their education, but also strengthens the parent-child relationship.

### First Steps

While digital devices can be useful tools, they should not dominate a child's day. Make sure that other activities that promote intellectual and social development are important. Encourage outdoor activities, provide hands-on activities such as arts and crafts, and opportunities to read together.
These activities help develop creativity, imagination, problem solving and social skills.

By balancing the use of technology and other activities, parents can ensure that children take advantage of digital devices while participating in a variety of activities that promote their full development.


Resources for Parents: Advice, Reviews, and Strategies

 As a parent, your child's exposure to the world of technology will be very difficult. Fortunately, there are many resources that can help you make informed decisions and find the right balance for your child.

### Reviews and Reviews

- Websites and blogs dedicated to parenting often provide recommendations and reviews of age-appropriate apps, games, and shows for kids.
This resource shows you what content is educational, engaging, and healthy.

- Online communities and forums are great places to get advice from other parents trying and testing different digital devices and apps for kids. Hearing about their experiences can help you make a more informed decision.


- The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children aged 18-24 months limit screen time and children ages 2-5 not watch digital for more than one hour. media - one day Good services.

- It's important to set clear rules and limits on screen time.
Consider using apps or features on your device that allow you to set time limits and restrict access to certain apps or websites.

- It's important to set an example in front of your children and limit your own screen time. Children learn by watching their parents, so telling them there are other activities to participate in in addition to the screen will encourage them to explore other activities.

### Alternative Activities for Cognitive and Social Development

- There are many age-appropriate toys and activities that support cognitive and social development. Puzzles, blocks, arts and crafts and creative games stimulate a child's brain and encourage social interaction.
- Interactive games with your kids. This not only strengthens the parent-child relationship, but also supports language development, problem-solving skills and creativity.

- Spend time outdoors. Nature provides endless opportunities for exploration and discovery, which can increase a child's knowledge and cognitive development.

Remember that it's important to find a balance between screen time and other activities.
You can make your child's technology experience positive and meaningful by using resources and activities that support positive development.



In summary, balancing between children and technology is important for their healthy development. Although digital devices can provide opportunities for learning and entertainment, it is still important to organize time for health care and support other activities for mental and social development.

Parents can prevent their children from relying too heavily on digital devices by setting limits and carefully monitoring content and time. This allows them to engage in a variety of activities that support intellectual and social development, such as reading books, playing with toys, and participating in outdoor activities.
Remember, consistency is key. Technology can be a useful tool, but it should not replace life experiences and interactions. Parents can help their children succeed in the digital and physical world by finding balance and offering them a positive approach to their daily lives.